September 12, 2022

How to make a Population Pyramid Chart in Tableau?

Here we come with another short blog about how a population pyramid chart is made in Tableau.

To make a population pyramid chart, we have to take population data. Here we have population data of New Zealand. Our first step is to segregate Male and females from the Sex section. To do so follow the below steps:

On the left click on drop-down arrow and go to “Create Calculated Fields”

Pyramid Chart

A dialogue box will appear where we will make a category of male and insert below formula “IF [Sex] = “Male” [Value] END” and click on Apply.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

You will now see the Male tab on the left side under the Tables section. Duplicate this tab with the name Female and change the inner formula to this: “IF [Sex] = “Female” [Value] END” and click on Apply. Now you will see male and female tabs on the left.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

 Now we have male and female as two different categories now will drag age group into row self.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

As we can see from the above data that there are a lot of values, we can filter these values and select specific age groups which we require for our analysis. To do so we will drag the age group section into the filter shown on the left, a list will appear in which we can check those we have to select.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

Drag Male and female categories on Column self, two bar charts will appear.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

To visualize this chart more accurately, we will click on the x-axis bar of male data and click on the edit axis and check the mark on reverse.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

Now as you can see below, bar chart is now easy to read.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

Now we have the population pyramid chart ready. We can filter data from the Tables sections to see the population of our required fields as having been added as shown below.

Pyramid Chart - Tableau

So, this is how you can easily calculate your required population using Tableau.

Hope this information will be helpful!

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