August 15, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake Rate

Week 1

The dashboard comprises data on vaccination uptake rates. There are two files here; the first is the time series from 6 Oct 2021 to 12 Jan 2022 on the SA2 level, whereas the second is for rates as of 12 Jan 2022. Both files comprise GIS boundaries for SA2 which can help develop some maps.

To make it a bit interesting and structured, we have listed a couple of tasks to complete. Head to the Tableau Public link and copy the dashboard to start practising. Head to the Tableau Public link and copy the dashboard to start practising. Also developed a video tutorial covering all of the tasks, it is divided into three parts:

Dashboard link:

For the video tutorial, see the videos attached below.

  1.   Intro and Text Table

2.     Map and Line Chart

3.     Weeks Table

If you have any suggestions for next week’s DiD data then just drop a line and we will try our best to make it happen.
Feel free to contact me here or via email at [email protected]

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